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    Volunteer Spotlight: Ryan Kempski

    May 31st, 2023 Posted by Project News 0 thoughts on “Volunteer Spotlight: Ryan Kempski”

    🔨 Volunteer Spotlight 🔨

    Q: What is your name and what organization are you involved in?

    A: Ryan Kempski, I am a student at The Geisinger School of Medicine.


    Q: How old are you?

    A: 26


    Q: Where are you originally from?

    A: Wilmington Delaware


    Q: Why do you volunteer?

    A: It is a rewarding and fun way to spend my free time on the weekends.


    Q: Why or how did you choose The Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity as your outlet to volunteering?

    A: I was a boy scout in the past, which made me realize how rewarding volunteer work is. I found out about WVHFH when I signed up for the Habitat for Humanity club at my school.


    Q: What was your favorite part of the day?

    A: I really enjoyed the yardwork, the weed whacking and trimming up the sidewalk to be specific.


    Q: Do you see yourself as a returning volunteer with WVHFH?

    A: Yes, I definitely do!


    303 Market Street
    Kingston, PA 18704


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