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    Monthly Archives: April, 2021

    Cosgrove family donates childhood homestead to Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity

    April 20th, 2021 Posted by Donation Announcement, Upcoming Events 0 thoughts on “Cosgrove family donates childhood homestead to Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity”

    (Pittston Twp., PA)-Joe and Sharon Cosgrove along with Joe’s brother, George, and George’s wife, Lynn, recently donated their childhood home to Habitat.

    On Saturday, Joe and Sharon toured the home that has been being restored since August to see the progress. Joe recalled, “The home was always a place where people felt welcome. It has a history of our ancestors taking in people and giving them a place of comfort, a place to share, a place to visit anytime they wished, even a place to live if they were in need.” Cosgrove added, “Our mom and dad instilled in us the duty to give back as repayment for all that has been given to us. The donation to Habitat was the best way we could honor their legacy and the history of this home. We hope the next occupants will be able to create a history just as rich, warm and welcoming as we have enjoyed.”

    “It’s so impressive what Habitat has done around the world, and now it’s done it in Pittston Twp.,” Cosgrove said.

    Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity received a $5,000 grant award from MotorWorld Toyota to help fund its current home restoration project on Market Street in Pittston Twp.!

    April 6th, 2021 Posted by Donation Announcement, Upcoming Events 0 thoughts on “Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity received a $5,000 grant award from MotorWorld Toyota to help fund its current home restoration project on Market Street in Pittston Twp.!”

    (Wilkes-Barre)-Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity received a $5,000 grant award from MotorWorld Toyota to help fund its current home restoration project on Market Street in Pittston Twp. The donation will help a local, low-income family achieve first time home ownership. Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that builds or restores simple, decent homes to sell to families in need in Wyoming Valley. Habitat families are selected based on level of need, willingness to become partners in the Habitat program, and the ability to repay a no-interest mortgage. For information about Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity, call 570-820-8002 or email info@wv-hfh.org. First row, from left, are Jay Thomas, sales manager, MotorWorld Toyota; Rick Osick, division president, MotorWorld I MileOne Autogroup; Karen Evans Kaufer, executive director, Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity; Mary Beth Allen, volunteer coordinator, WVHFH; and Sean VonPoppe, sales manager, MotorWorld Toyota.


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