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    Monthly Archives: August, 2018

    Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity presents Pittston City Mayor, Michael Lombardo, with 2018 Golden Hammer Award

    August 21st, 2018 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity presents Pittston City Mayor, Michael Lombardo, with 2018 Golden Hammer Award”

    (PITTSTON)— Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity presented the 2018 Golden Hammer award to the honorable Michael Lombardo, mayor, City of Pittston, at a recent home dedication.

    The Golden Hammer Award honors a person who has shown exceptional commitment to help further the mission of Habitat. Mayor Lombardo, along with the Pittston City Redevelopment Authority, donated a vacant lot to Habitat for its recent home build.

    Karen Evans Kaufer, executive director of WVHFH said, “We are delighted to present Mayor Lombardo with this award. His generosity and that of the Redevelopment Authority of Pittston has allowed a local, low-income family to become first-time homeowners.”

    Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that builds simple, decent homes to sell to families in need. WVHFH uses volunteer labor and charitable gifts to ensure homes are affordable to families in Wyoming Valley. WVHFH is a Christian ministry dedicated to building homes in partnership with the entire community, including businesses, congregations, schools, individuals, and partner families.


    Pictured from left to right: Michael Lombardo, City of Pittston Mayor; Jim Zarra, Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity board member; Karen Evans Kaufer, executive director, WVHFH; Bob Borwick, president, WVHFH


    Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity presents awards at The Pittston Project Home Dedication

    August 6th, 2018 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity presents awards at The Pittston Project Home Dedication”

    (PITTSTON)-Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity recently presented awards at the dedication of a home in Pittston to honor those who have made significant contributions to the build over the past year year.

    The honorable Michael Lombardo, mayor, City of Pittston received the Golden Hammer award. Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity gives this honor to a person who has shown exceptional commitment to help further the mission of Habitat. The mayor and the Redevelopment Authority of Pittston offered up a vacant lot for Habitat to build on as part of their effort to help beautify the city.

    Bob Borwick, Leonard Shimko, Sally Rothstein, and Ellen Watkins received the Herm Shiplett Award. Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity gives this honor to volunteers who have demonstrated an outstanding level of commitment and support to Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity. All four have been long time members of the WVHFH board of directors and have shown an unwavering commitment to the organization.

    Frank Sepko, board member and CEO of Conversionworx media, received the Gottfreid Csala Award. This award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution of professional expertise and knowledge to further the mission of Habitat. Frank donated a state of the art website to Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity.

    Pictured 1st row from left to right: Michael Lombardo, mayor, City of Pittston and Frank Sepko.

    2nd row from left to right: Karen Evans Kaufer, executive director, Wyoming Valley Habitat for Humanity and Bob Borwick, President, WVHFH Board of Directors.

    3rd row from left to right: Sally Rothstein, WVHFH board member, Leonard Shimko, WVHFH board member, and Ellen Watkins, WFHFH board member.






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